"In Summer" nový song od Anastacie

Nedávno jsme Vám poskytli odkaz na stažení třicetivteřinového preview další skladby z alba "Heavy Rotation". Nyní máte jedinečnou možnost si poslechnout píseň "In Summer" v celé své kráse!. "In Summer" bude nejen pátou skladbou alba "Heavy Rotation", ale objeví se rovněž na obou verzích maxi singlu "I Can Feel You".

Hodnocení Anastacia SplendidSite: 7/10

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In Summer

I wish that there could be more days in summer
I wish that autumn wouldn't come so soon
'Cause when the sun goes away
I'm left in the shade
Oh, I wish that you could warm me in the winter
They say that springtime is so beautiful
But I see nothing but rain
And short windy days

And I only feel safe
When your arms are wrapped around me

(So forget the clouds)
(I don't feel the rain)
(Even though the seasons may change)
(I see the sun...)
I see the sun, it's in your eyes and I just know
(I see the sun when I hear your name)
(You give me a reason)
A reason to start again

I wish that there could be more days in summer
I wish that autumn wouldn't come so soon
'Cause when the sun goes away
I'm left in the shade
I'd love to see the leaves fall in September
And the snow drops in December just the same
But it leaves me in a daze
Can't wait to see your face

Yeah, and I only feel safe
When your arms are wrapped around me

(So forget the clouds)
Forget the clouds
(I don't feel the rain)
Feel the rain
(Even though the seasons may change)
(I see the sun...)
I see the sun, it's in your eyes and I just know
(You give me a reason)
A reason to start again

I only feel safe
When I'm in your arms
It's another day
That we can't escape
It won't be too long
Till love finds its way
To start again

(So forget the clouds)
(I don't feel the rain)
(Even though the seasons may change)
(I see the sun...)
I see the sun, it's in your eyes and I just know
(You give me a reason)
A reason to start again

Oh yeah,...
I said I love you, I love you, I love you
Oh yes, I do
I truly love you
I said now take me to the end for me

zdroj: AnastaciaNetwork.net

Komentáře k článku

no, podle mě je to mnohem lepší než I can feel you, Anastacia lépe využívá svůj hlas a je to taková příjemná písnička

Tisíckrát lepší než ICFY. Poslouchám to pořád dokola a líbí se mi čím dál tím víc. Hlavně jsem se do ní zamiloval hned jak jsem ji slyšel ppoprvý. ICFY jsem musel slyšet 150x, aby se mi začala líbit.

Mam rovnaky nazor:))do tejto pesnicky som sa zamiloval hned na 1.krat aa to u ICFY nebolo....Anastacia je skratka najsamlepsia:)